I'm still not done with the endless neck of the Jeannie Sweater. I feel like if I ever get past this neck, I will finally start making some progress. Hopefully!

I've made it to the ribbing on the body of Maddy's Something. This is probably the one I've made the most progress on since last post.

I started Leo for Aaron. This is going to take forever. I'm used to making baby sweaters. A man's sweater, on #4 needles no less, will take so much longer than I've gotten used to!

Kelly's Swinging Stripe. I'm not sure I love these colors together, but we'll see how I feel after maybe another stripe or two. If I hate it, I guess I'll pick new colors...

And I'm about halfway done with the first sleeve of Twist and Shout but was unable to get a good picture earlier. Since I should be working at the moment, I'm not going to go take another! You'll have to wait for better lighting conditions.
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