I also have 2 new dyed yarns for sale (2 skeins of each).
This is Luke, named after my ferret, haha. I made all the ferrets little sleeping bags a while back, and now the colors of each of their bags are associated with each ferret in my mind. That's why I named a pink yarn Mia, a pink and purple Gracie, and a purple Fiona. Those are their colors. Luke's color is gray. So is this yarn:
This is Uncalm, named after a 311 song. It's a purple song. ("On the scales of desire, your absence weighs more than someone else's presence. I wanna kiss reason goodbye today, I wanna show its purple essence. On your lips, baby, it'll fade away, return your natural iridescence. On the scales of desire, your absence weighs more than someone else's presence.")

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