I did finish the first of the socks I started for Aaron a few weeks ago. I could have had both socks done in 4 days had I had put any effort into it, but instead the first sock took me like a month because I hardly did any work on it.

Aaron's sister just had a baby, and I kind of want to make him a sweater or something. They're having a baby shower on October 1 (she didn't know she was pregnant until fairly recently and turned out to be much farther along than she thought, so the shower plans got kind of screwed up and he was born before the shower), so hopefully I can knit up a little sweater (probably a Green Zebra Baby Sweater in blue) in the next 3 weeks. I will have to actually put some effort into it rather than sit back and hope it knits itself which is how I've been knitting lately. It doesn't work.
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