So of course I ran into some problems with my newest dress. I made that purple one without a single issue, so I guess I was due, ha. Basically the bodice is way too big. I made the pattern one size smaller than my measurements, and still it ended up enormous on top. The waist/skirt fits, but the bust and very top are too big. I don't think it's just due to the fact that I'm an A cup because usually Simplicity patterns fit pretty well for me. I think it's maybe the pattern itself along with the fact that it allows 1 inch of ease. Even with ease, though, it still should have come out 1 inch smaller than my actual body. I would really hope that this bodice would not only lie flat across the very top but also be nice and snug! I want it to stay in place. There are no straps holding this thing up; I want that fabric tight against my skin! So that confuses me in itself. But regardless, I still made a size smaller than my measurements which means it should be tight against me, but it is not.
It's really hard to tell in pictures what the problem is and how big it is, but here you go. Basically it would fit nicely if I went up 2-3 cup sizes, which I don't foresee happening unless I gain another 20 pains, in which case the waist won't fit.

I posted for advice on the LJ Sew_Hip community, so I'm hoping someone there has some ideas on how to fix it. I'm thinking I'll make a muslin in the next smaller size for the bodice and see how that fits. But then if that works, I have to try to adjust for the fact that the skirt is one size and the bodice is another. No matter what I end up doing, it still means I have to redo the entire bodice and lining, the casing for the boning, and the zipper. Which is a huge pain. But whatever, this is just a summery for-fun dress; I don't need it for anything specific. So there's no hurry.
Still waiting on the chiffon to arrive, but I don't expect it for another week or so.
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