I had kind of a tough time picking out which Smooshy I wanted because they are all gorgeous, but of course I stayed true to my normal color-picking habits and went with a gray! It's actually kind of brown and gray, and I don't even really like brown, but oh do I love gray. It's called Cocoa Kiss, and it looks like a bruise. I also love bruises, haha. This is not the best picture because you can't pick out all the little color variations, but trust me, it is lovely.

I also started the hood on Snug. This is such a weird and fun sweater to make. I've never made something that is constructed anywhere near how this is! I took out the provisional cast on of the left side, provisionally cast on the hood stitches, and picked up the held stitches on the right side. This is where I'm at now, working on the front of the body and the front of the hood. The provisional cast on at the back of the hood will be taken out later to knit outward from there and connect the back. Very cool.

And that's about it for today. I do have new yarn on the way, and I'll also be getting together with Stefanie to see her for the first time in like 11 years and to meet Sabine tomorrow. Sabine will be wearing the sweater I made her, so I will surely have pictures to share in the very near future!
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